Standing Armies in Modern Finance – A Global Credit Crisis

“I sincerely believe… that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” – Thomas Jefferson, 1816

Jefferson’s warnings almost two centuries ago about the pernicious banking establishments were indeed prescient. The seismic events of 2008 set off by the chicanery of the high priests in modern finance have borne out his suspicions as citizens of the world grapple with the sheer scale of the global credit crisis.

In March 2003, as America’s military was amassing on the borders of Iraq to uncover Saddam Hussein’s phantom cache of weapons of mass destruction, America’s army of investment bankers on Wall Street were quietly manufacturing its own arsenal, diabolically concocting an alphabet soup of financial sludge that masqueraded shaky mortgages and risky loans as AAA-rated investment grade bonds. At the click of a mouse, these toxic securities would transmit electronically over the trading terminals of the world and land on the doomed balance sheets of the unsuspecting buyers, where they would lie in wait to wreak maximum devastation.

With copious amounts of liquidity from the Federal Reserve, collaboration from the rating agencies, an insatiable investor appetite for yield, and good old fashioned American ingenuity, enablers at every level in the financial food chain were about to be richly rewarded for their parts in the great American revolution called “Securitization”. In a low interest rate environment, debt or income producing assets such as mortgages, consumer loans, car loans, credit card loans and student loans would be securitized and sold as high grade investments, boasting yields superior to those on treasury bonds.

In the aftermath of 9/11, the world held its collective breath over the apocalyptic warnings of dirty nukes smuggled by terrorists in suitcase bombs. Concurrently, in the far-flung money capitals of New York, London, Sydney, etc, Saville Row suited bankers unfettered by regulators and trained in the dark arts of alchemy diligently sliced, diced and bundled credit derivatives for global distribution, setting the stage for carnage in markets and economies, while receiving eye-popping compensation for devising yet another amazing feat of financial wizardry.

Emerging from the tech bubble and bust of 2001/2002, individual and corporate balance sheets became leveraged at a dizzying pace as America gorged on Chairman Greenspan’s largesse of low interest rates and easy credit from lending institutions. Living within one’s means, once a lauded personal virtue, lost its quaint charm in the age of hyper-consumption. Without good paying jobs, consumers struggling to maintain high standards of living tapped into home equity to supplement discretionary spending, and sank deeper into personal debt.

Lenders took advantage of the credit binge and promoted variants of risky mortgages and facilitated their refinancing. Mortgage backed securities coveted by yield- starved investors enjoyed robust growth, and complicated derivatives engineered by former physicists fuelled rampant speculation on the trading floors of banks, broker dealers and hedge funds. Barely out of the ruins of the dotcom bust, America was ready to roll the dice again.

Customized to the risk appetite of the investor, derivatives of asset backed securities called CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations) would consist of portfolios of fixed income assets divided into separate tranches. The higher quality tranche would offer risk averse investors a lower yield, while investors in the lower quality tranche would be the first to suffer any portfolio impairment in exchange for the highest yield. Mathematical models of financial engineers had shown that, in a perfect world, securities of varying credit qualities could be bundled together with the desired amount of risk and return allocated to each investor. Such models would soon be discredited in the ensuing turmoil of the current global credit crisis.

Seeking the quickest and most attractive returns, vast amounts of liquidity poured into the housing market beginning in 2003, bringing dramatic changes to the status of housing in American society. The bricks and mortar of a residential home no longer provided just a shelter and a sound, long-term investment for the homeowner. Housing began to appeal to the speculative frenzy of the trader class, and runaway prices in California, Nevada, Florida, Arizona and other hot markets were enticing misinformed and unqualified buyers to take on mortgages they could not afford.

While Congress preached the ownership society, unscrupulous lenders used predatory lending practices to sell the quintessential American dream of home ownership. Affordability was sidestepped as a critical issue for the individual homeowner because housing prices were projected to rise in perpetuity, a fatally flawed assumption which remained unchallenged until it was too late. Real estate was deemed a safe investment, and a setback in prices was unimaginable. Standard & Poor’s model for home prices had no ability to accept a negative number, according to the cover story titled “After the Fall” by Michael Lewis in the December 2008 issue of Condé Nast Portfolio magazine.

Eventually, the alchemists’ gold would revert to lead, and clueless investors in all manners of ill-conceived derivatives and asset backed securities, from Norway to China to the Middle East, would begin the painful process of writing down billions in losses. Seven years after the World Trade Center attacks aimed at destroying American capitalism failed, the world has since dodged another major bullet from Osama bin Laden. However, the irony cannot be lost on anyone that, having risen from the ashes of 9/11, the titans of Wall Street would ultimately succumb to their own greed, hubris and incompetence. The global Credit Crisis now threatens the very survival of the global financial system and the real economies of the world.

Since March 2008, storied names in banking, insurance and mortgage lending have collapsed from the rapidly imploding values of their sub-prime mortgage and derivative portfolios, while other lesser known, but similarly over-extended institutions on the brink have received taxpayer bailouts and written down close to US$1 trillion in losses. What has started as a U.S. housing crisis has evolved into a global credit crisis and has now morphed into a full-fledged economic meltdown that threatens to deflate asset prices worldwide. Haunted by the specter of 1930s depression reprised, governments in OECD countries rush to bolster their national banks and stimulate their economies; desperate to arrest the deflationary pressures from a de-leveraging process that is unwinding the financial system’s historic indebtedness at warp speed.

The once mighty, now humbled and chastised, eagerly accept taxpayer balm at the federal trough which, in better days, would have been roundly condemned as utter folly of liberal socialism and, distinctly anti-capitalist. However, with the survival of industry behemoths like AIG and Citigroup in question, and the very future of the modern global financial economy in jeopardy, even the principled free marketeers who subscribe to Adam Smith and Ayn Rand recognize the dire need for temporary suspension of their much cherished laissez faire ideology, and grudgingly accept the economic pragmatism of government intervention. The day will hopefully soon return when the economy will right itself, and charges of socialism can again be thrown about in the same careless and carefree manner as they once were. But that day is not today.

The cumulative fallout from the housing and credit crises reverberating around the world has caused an unprecedented erosion of confidence in the global financial system. Balance sheets bloated with derivatives and mortgage backed securities suffer drastic impairment as the dubious values of non-performing assets are rapidly written down. Credit dries up and lending grinds to a halt at many banks because their capital reserves have depleted dangerously close to regulatory minimums. Without the flow of credit, global economies slam on their brakes simultaneously and enter recession. Stock market investors worldwide have suffered losses exceeding US$30 trillion in 2008, while commodity markets have also cratered with staggering losses in energy, metals and grains from their stratospheric peaks registered barely months ago.

The U.S. government has so far committed US$7.5 trillion in cash injections, loans, guarantees and consumer stimulus to bail out Wall Street, Main Street and Corporate America. The Federal Reserve has also cut short-term rates to almost zero with three and six month treasuries now yielding effectively nothing, Panic-stricken investors in their rush to de-leverage and exit risky investments have pushed up the prices of U.S. government bonds and put a floor under the US Dollar. In spite of massive bailouts, plunging markets, soaring deficits and mounting job losses that shatter investor confidence in the American financial system, the US Dollar has defied gravity and continued to frustrate traders hoping for a quick resumption of a greenback sell-off.

With the tidal waves of the financial tsunami rippling to the far corners of emerging markets like Iceland, South Korea and the Ukraine, it is apparent that the U.S.-originated systemic havoc is no longer contained domestically. Rather, the spreading contagion has exposed the vulnerabilities of an inter-connected global economy, confounding central bankers and policy makers alike as they ponder a global recession cascading over the economic horizon.

Without swift, bold, aggressive and coordinated policy action, a deflationary environment could take hold and the global recession could become a global depression. Although the extraordinary amounts of liquidity provided to counter the deflationary forces of wealth destruction could ultimately be inflationary in an economic recovery; that is probably an outcome which policy makers would not mind confronting, as they face the vastly more ominous threat of falling prices and shrinking output. At that time, when the economies of the world do finally recover, the US Dollar may come under renewed pressure as the currency market will have to digest the implications of an historic expansion of the U.S. money supply.

In the strangest of ironies, the US Dollar which has come to symbolize the collective ills of the American financial system has benefited the most from the de-leveraging process, and emerged amidst the chaos as the undisputed safe haven currency of choice. This phenomenon may be an aberration, but will likely continue until the last bit of excess and euphoria has been wrung from the system. It will take a gargantuan effort to extricate the world from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

It is time to encourage real engineers to build roads, bridges and repair the crumbling infrastructure rather than allow financial engineers to wreak havoc with the next generation of destructive derivatives.

The data and comments provided above are for information purposes only and must not be construed as an indication or guarantee of any kind of what the future performance of the concerned markets will be. While the information in this publication cannot be guaranteed, it was obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Futures and Forex trading involves a substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Please carefully consider your financial condition prior to making any investments. ‘Member CIPF’ or ‘MF Global Canada Co. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund”

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What Growth With CNC Broaching Machine Financing Can Do For You

Engineers are always looking for tools that simplify their work. Broaches are one such machine. They are used in making shafts, pulleys and gears. The sharp, chiseled ends of broaching machines help to bore holes into metal sheets, and also widen existing holes.

These machines can be hand made, which are used in smaller projects that don’t require minute precision. Bigger metal industries and engineering works opt for custom made broaching machines that are accustomed to work longer with the same perfect results. Many companies also have broaching machines manufactured according to their needs and type of work.

Broaching devices are very much in demand because their work record is near perfect. Most industries use them to widen and bore new holes in metal sheets or blocks. Despite its usefulness, broaching machine too have their limitations.

The chief disadvantage of this machine is that it does not work well in high heat conditions. The high end versions of the machine have tried to curb this limitation by including a temperature reducing feature; which helps the machine to work better in extreme conditions. All these features increase the utility of the broaching machine and make it a desirable machine the industrial circuit.

Broaching machinery can be broadly classified into the following two types: vertical and horizontal.

The Advantages of These Machines are:

1. Their horizontal machines can be made to reach farthest into the machine.

2. Broaching machines are in built with lengths that can be increased and decreased when needed.

3. Their vertical machines can be easily stored and also are more long lasting.

The disadvantages of the machines are listed below:

1. Vertical ones are difficult to adjust, as they don’t contain adjustable lengths.

2. Broaching machines work in collaboration with several allied devices like pull broacher, surface broacher, broaching presses etc.

Broaching devices are an investment for your company, and they should be bought after considering a few important factors.

Broaching machines are heavy, quick and precise in their work. The machines work their way into metals by exerting an immense amount of pressure, which also generates a huge amount of heat. Whereas some metals may be able to withstand this amount of pressure and heat, others might not. Before investing in a broaching machine, you need to find out whether the metals you work with will be able to endure the strength of these machines. Only then will you be able to take a wise decision.

Even after weighing all pros and cons, broaching machines are still a must buy. The bonus factor that adds to the advantages of the machine is that it is controlled by computers, which simplifies work but also gives better results. The machine lends a finished gloss to the metal piece that you can’t achieve otherwise. The machine is unaffordable for many businesses, which is why CNC provides the perfect solution of financing these machines for you. This gives you the perfect quality machines at prices you can afford.

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Personal Finance Technology Trends For 2012

Hello and here’s wishing all of you the best of health, wealth, peace of mind and success with your financial goals in 2012.

I thought I’d start the year off with some trends; especially in technology, that might help you better meet your personal financial goals, because there are a host of personal finance services and applications, or apps as they’re called, that are going to change the way we Americans invest, bank, track our finances, shop, get coupons and so on.

Some of these apps use the web, but increasingly, many are available on mobile devices because more than a third of all American adults now carry “smartphones” with amazing amounts of display using processors that are as powerful as the ones in your laptop.

In fact, if you’re like many of my clients who’ve been holding out against the invasion of technology you might want to reconsider your decision in 2012. This might just be the year to allow the benefits of these innovations to help you gain better control over your finances.

Maybe now’s just the time to stop using a pen to write checks, paper to track your expenses, and scissors to clip coupons, to let technology streamline this process for you a little, and in so doing, to add to your savings and bottom line. Because, let’s face it, your best coupon deals or hotel and airfare discounts no longer come as inserts or advertisements in your newspaper but go to those who use the Internet.

So here are a few ideas for you to reflect on and consider opening yourself up to, and while I encourage you to listen to these with an open mind, adopt only those that you are 100% comfortable with, knowing full well that you could always revert to paper and pen if this turns out to not be your cup of tea, so here are some new ways to think:

1. Think “Mobile Money” How does that sound? Well, here’s the lowdown. With technology where it’s at today, you can now wave your smartphone in front of an intelligent device to make all sorts of payments, and this trend appears to be really catching on because it helps retailers, mass transit operators and others sell more while cutting down costs. With mobile money, your smartphone is securely linked to your bank or credit card account and saves you the hassle of carrying a card, swiping it, getting a bill, signing it, and so on: and it saves the seller money too. Moreover, I suspect merchants and service providers, such as Google Wallet, are going to make this more attractive by offering promotions and discounts to folks that adopt this mobile payment technology, much like they offered incentives in the early days of the Internet.

2. Think: Person to Person Payments. Remember how, when you’re at a restaurant with friends and it’s time to split the bill, you either ask for separate bills or fumble for cash to pay your share of the bill. Well, how about just clicking your smartphones against each other and you’re done? Companies like American Express, Mastercard, Visa and PayPal now offer a host of services that let you easily transfer money between friends using verified bank or credit card accounts. This makes sending money across the street, neighborhood or country faster, easier and less expensive, and remember, you are ALWAYS the bearer of any expense your bank or credit card company incurs in all the transactions you make, so if this technology reduces costs, chances are, some of these savings will flow through to you too.

3. Think: Money Management. There are new web sites that have also turned into apps on your smart phone, such as which I mentioned a few weeks ago in my interview with Terry Savage, and Pageonce which help you manage bills, payments, subscriptions, coupons and more; for free! So you never have to worry about a missed payment, late fees, trips to the post office, stamps, missed deals where you could’ve used a coupon to save big, and so on. What’s more, many of these services genuinely have an environmentally friendly agenda and want to help replace paper clutter with electronic account statements. Other, more specialized sites such as help customers manage their debt: credit card payments, mortgages, car loans, and automatically give you tips on when to refinance or make extra payments to reduce your overall interest expenses, and so on. Others like are designed to simplify investing and finally there is, whose CEO I interviewed about a year ago which was the first site like this out of the gate. And it’s a good site to bring all of your financial accounts together. So, with an open mind, check them out and sign up for the ones that make sense to you. And remember, you can always opt out if you don’t like ‘em.

Now, before I go further, I want to stress that I am not recommending these specific sites or validating what they offer but merely citing examples of technology advances in personal finance that are worth exploring further.

4. Think: Personalized Deals. We all heard about the promise of personalization, and while this has happened to some extent with the Internet, it hadn’t quite panned out in the personal finance space, until now. In fact, to understand personalization, consider trying this experiment. Take your laptop over to a friend’s house and type in the same search phrase: say, “top 10 deals in Miami” in or any other search engine: your friend on his computer and you on your laptop using your friend’s Internet connection while sitting right next to him, I am almost 100% certain that your search results will differ because search engines personalize search results to your browsing history. The good news is that with smartphones and location-based services, stores can now know when you walk into them, what your purchase history and profiles is, and entice you with special offers just for you: personalized discounts and on the spot deals to customers willing to opt into these programs. And frankly, for the most part, you have little personal information to lose that you haven’t already lost by simply using the Internet, Facebook, email, search engines or smartphones at home!

I know it sounds a little scary: like an Orwellian universe, but it’s not as bad as all that. YOU have the right to opt in or opt out of any of these services.

5. And Finally, Think: Social commerce. The Internet spawns strange terms like this one, but what the heck! Apps now let you borrow or even legally take money from individuals across the world: who might want to give you a loan where they believe in you more than a bank, help you out in a crisis, lend you money to do up a kitchen or bathroom, or simply invest in a brilliant idea: private individuals reaching out to each other and opening their wallets in what’s called social commerce without borders. Check out sites like or if you have an idea you think others may want to fund. It’s actually pretty cool to think that banks will no longer control what you can and cannot do, financially. I love the free markets.

But don’t think large banks and corporations aren’t watching all of this very closely and actively stepping in where they sense success: so in 2012 you will likely see a lot more happening in the space of personal finance technology… and as we kick off the new year, I urge you to try and “get with it” if you like, and explore ways of saving time and money by using technology to your advantage.

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How to Get Finance With Unusual Employment

An increasing number of people are choosing flexible working opportunities with their employers, as it enables them to successfully combine both their lifestyle arrangements and their family commitments.

However, many have found that when it comes to visiting their local bank branches while looking for a home loan, car and truck loan or even equipment finance, their local bank is still apprehensive towards them. And, it is because of their irregular working hours:

1. They don’t seem to fit into the strict lending guidelines set out by banks; and

2. They are not seen by banks as holding down a stable job with a regular income.

What the Common Unusual Employment Types?

Here are some of the common unusual employment types:

1. PAYG (pay-as- you- go) contractors

2. Casual workers

3. Part-time workers

4. Self-employed individuals

5. Sub-contractors

6. People with other forms of income

Type 1 – PAYG Contractors

PAYG contractors are normally employed via an agency or directly via their employer. This form of employment is now common in a variety of fields such as:

>> Medical;

>> Engineering;

>> IT (Information Technology);

>> Mining;

>> Project Management;

>> Construction; and

>> Government.

So, if you are a PAYG contractor and you are looking for finance, here is a list of things that lenders/credit providers will require you to provide:

1. You will be required to provide a copy of your most recent “Employment Contract”, with income details listed;

2. You will need to provide evidence that you have a minimum of 12 months employment in the same industry and that you have a good track record in your chosen industry; and

3. You will need to provide evidence that your employer or employment agency takes care of your income tax and superannuation contributions for you.

Note: If you are not on the direct payroll of an employer or employment agency, you may be treated as being self-employed.

Type 2 – Casual Workers

This type of employment applies to people working on a casual basis in the following industries:

1. Restaurants;

2. Retail;

3. Teaching and Tutoring;

4. Nursing;

5. Childcare;

6. Trades;

7. Drivers; and

8. Cleaning.

If you are a casual employee, you will need to provide evidence that you have been employed at the same place for at least 6 months.

Lenders/credit providers will calculate your average earnings over a set period, and count this as your income. However, if you want to work out your own average earnings, then you can use an income annualisation calculator to calculate your own average earnings.

Type 3 – Part-Time Employees

If you are employed on a part-time basis, you will find that lenders/credit providers will generally require you to:

1. Provide evidence that you have been employed at your current place of employment for at least 6 months: and

2. Provide copies of the following documents:

>> Current computerised pay-slip covering a minimum of two (2) pay cycles in order to confirm details of your base income; and

>> PAYG Summaries; or

>> A signed letter of employment from your employer listing details of your current base-remuneration.

Type 4 – Self-Employed Individuals

You are self-employed if you run your own business. You are categorised as self-employed individual even when you are conducting freelance work as a journalist, photographer, tour guide, etc. In such a situation, you will find that most lenders/credit providers will require you to provide evidence that you have a regular income to sustain a loan. This includes providing evidence that:

1. You are a business owner or partner;

2. You have been trading in your current business for at least 24 months;

3. Your business provides a steady income; and

4. You will be required to provide copies of:

>> Your most recent Personal and Business Income Tax Returns, and

>> One set of the business financial statements, reflecting two (2) years trading activity

Note: If you conduct freelance work with an employer, you may find that lenders/credit providers may require you to provide a copy of the written agreement between you and the employer that outlines your pay and conditions.

Type 5 – Sub-Contractors

Sub-contractors have specialized skills and they are generally employed by a primary contractor to provide specialized services in a variety of fields such as:

1. Building and Construction;

2. Mining;

3. Civil Engineering; and

4. IT (Information Technology).

Note: Many sub-contractors have little to no overheads and no staff and most are typically self-employed. In a sense they are similar to PAYG contractors.

Type 6 – Other Forms of Income

If you receive any other form of income and you are unsure if it is acceptable to lenders/credit providers, you should seek help from a qualified and licensed finance broker or a mortgage broker. You can even seek financial and legal advice from your accountant and solicitor. These other forms of income can include:

1. Centrelink payments;

2. Commissions and Bonuses income;

3. Trust Distributions income;

4. Car Allowances;

5. Annuity Income from Superannuation;

6. Director’s fees;

7. Second Job income;

8. Investment income (i.e. Dividends received from publicly listed companies); or

9. Court Ordered Maintenance payments.

Seek Expert and Professional Advice

If you still have doubts regarding your employment status and want to obtain finance, you can seek help of a finance broker. You should opt for a professional qualified finance broker because he/she will have experience of dealing with many lenders/credit providers on a regular daily basis. Also, he/she will be familiar with the lending guidelines and credit policy requirements of a number of lenders/credit providers.

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Online Car Finance – The Fastest Ways to Find Financing For A New Car

The auto mobile industry is well urbanized now. You do not have to wait for a longer time for approval. You can consider internet to be your profitable idea. The Internet landscape is the place for the new generation. The self provoked individuals who want to accelerate their potential by utilizing their time efficiently. There are many new car finance provider available. The car loan market provides numerous ways to get financing for a new car. You don’t have to wait for days to get an approval. You can use the internet and find the perfect car loan for yourself and buy a car loan.

Consider all the search engines to be the place where you should be looking for the new car finance Search engine literacy is extremely important. You will require a personal computer either from home or public place with internet access and possibly can be utilized for an exclusive search of new car loan quote. You can also try for a search engine specially made to search car financing. Internet is the best place to search for new car loan quote so do not hesitate in sitting in front of computers for hours and be persistent in your approach. Be patient search for the best available new car loan.

If you are a first time car buyers looking for a new car loans, then be sure to get latest price quote from multiple dealers through online or nearby your location to get best car finance deals and making car more affordable in long run.

Discuss each and every detail with the online representative on the web. “If you are not happy with the deal anytime you can walk away without signing”. No lenders can pressure you to sign in with any deals. Be specific about your requirement and do not beat around the bush. Say what you are looking for directly. After you have chosen the new car loan rates and have gone through the entire process consider getting an external legal help in making the final decision. You can take help of a legal adviser or a family friend. In the end, it is you who will have to decide so believe using your own reason before saying yes or no!

Barack Obama made a gigantic technological hit in 2009 when he started promoting himself online. Just like this, there are many websites that are designed by efficient technical web developers. These website works with collaboration with million lenders through out the Nation. Each and every lender near your area is connected to these websites. All you have to do is to give your financial details on the website and save. The website will provide you the best rate available to new car loan. After comparing the terms and conditions and the rates all you have to is submit the selected car loan rate.

Run away from the Corporate Sharks

There are websites who supply lists of car lenders in your area who are ready to provide you loans for car even if you have a “Bad Credit” or even worse “No Credit” history. You can also qualify for a fast auto loan in a little bit of second. But, make sure you trust the good websites. There are many online websites who are nothing but Scams! You only want to trust the best one for you car loan. The fraud agencies might cheat you and then just disappear instantly. There are websites that act like sharks and eat your finances. But, again you will find many financiers ho provide you with new car loan finance.

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Zero-Percent Car Finance

Many of us have heard about this “zero percent car loans” or “0% car finance” deals all over the places what is it about them that attracts the customers? It is just that they are dangling carrots in front of the people? There are some really good online financing websites that do actually provide zero percent car financing deals. When you read zero percent car financing it pretty much means they are giving you money for free. To learn their secrets one has to understand their strategies. This method is nothing but a way to attract customers for buying cars.

Now, that I have made myself clear on what you can do to get the 0% new car financing I am pretty pleased to let you know that you crossed a sea of ignorance and came into the world of knowledge. I call this process of your journey from Ignorance to Knowledge, knowledge based shopping! A car can give you an edge to achieve your dreams by putting you on wheels. It ignites your career and puts you the nest level. I feel like a handicap without a car I need it badly. I don’t know how do you feel?

To learn their strategies follow the tips given below:

1. Pay close attention to all the websites that offer zero percent car finance: There are many websites that act like Vultures and can swallow you financially and try to cheat you. They will provide you with many fake policies and misuse your financial information. But again there are websites that offer great service and are ready to support you in the financial crisis.

2. Credit Score: Credit score is important in getting these loans. But, there are some lenders that would support for good credit scorer in getting a car loan with zero percent finance. These websites do want you to have the highest amount of possible down payment. The highest possible down payment will help you decrease the down payment and eventually decrease the monthly payments. If you don’t have a good credit scores.

3. Negotiate: Negotiating with any online financier would be extremely important because it would provide you with acquiring best car financing deals online. Application process is extremely easy all you have to do is provide details and fill up applications with correct information.

Search Engine Literacy:

There is a theory to everything in life online. You have a question; begin your search with, or an a popular search engines over the web. Search engines have actually hijacked the web wide world. People have started living on web with a virtual image.

Research Online:

Doing your research prior signing any auto loan deal is really important. Your further effort on researching the zero percent car loans available online will help you negotiate with the auto loan financiers. If you have knowledge on the auto financing then you will be confident in negotiating with car financiers and it will be easy for you to push them to charge you low interest rate. There are many websites on internet who actually fight like anything just for the customers to click their mouse once on their link. Facts are that 0 % car finance can be true for the people with excellent credit score. But for many car buyers with poor credit, zero-percent financing is simply not feasible.

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Matlab For Finance

Matlab is a fourth generation programming language, which is developed by The MathWorks. It provides a numerical computing environment. Matlab performs a variety of mathematical functions like creation of user interfaces, plotting of data and functions, implementing the data etc. It is used by millions of people worldwide and almost every industry is relying on its use to perform mathematical problems.Matlab is a platform where the user can easily perform all his mathematical exercises. Matlab was developed in 1970′s by Cleve Moler, who was a professor in University of New Mexico. Over the years, Matlab has undergone many changes and modifications in order to improve it further.Matlab is nowadays more preferred in finance niche as it is highly accurate and reliable. In order to use Matlab or the Matrix Laboratory, you have to first learn the language of Matlab or the M-Code. Matlab is primarily used with multi-dimensional arrays, 2D Matrices and 1D vector. It can also call libraries, which are written in ActiveX or in Java. Matlab enables the users to solve the mathematical languages more easily and quickly than as compared to other programming languages like C or Fortran and thus it is more apt for use in finance, in which both speed and reliability is required.Initially, Matlab was only restricted to a few design control engineers, however, because of its high utility it soon spread to the other domains in the industry. Today, Matlab is not only used in industry but it has also found use in colleges, universities, military, stock exchange etc.Matlab has proved to be a boon for finance. No one can deny the importance of Matlab in the field of finance. Human beings are not capable of solving exhaustive mathematical problems that too, with a high degree of precision.You are kindly invited to visit my collection of matlab file exchange usage, especially about derivative pricing and quantitative trading.

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Financial Engineering

Financial Engineering is a new exciting branch which deals with creation, management and administration of new financial instruments based on new strategies. Engineering methodologies and mathematics are applied to derive solutions for financial issues. Applied Mathematics combined with financial theories tries to bring out solutions to finance problems.This is all about creating new securities or processes, and designing new financial instruments, especially derivative securities. This new branch is also considered to be the process of employing mathematical, finance and computer modeling skills to make pricing, hedging, trading and portfolio management decisions. It utilizes various derivative securities and other methods and aims to precisely control the financial risk that an entity takes on. Methods can be employed to take on unlimited risks under certain events, or completely eliminate other risks by utilizing combinations of derivative and other securities.Financial engineering can be applied to many different types of currencies and pricing options. These include equity, fixed income such as bonds, commodities such as oil or gold, as well as derivatives, swaps, futures, forwards, options, and embedded options. With financial engineering come many risks. Risks are divided into market risk and credit risk. Market risks can be managed using risk identification, risk measurements, and risk management. Credit risks can be managed using credit modeling and credit pricing.To become a financial engineer, one must have a strong understanding of financial economics, mathematical tools such as probability and statistics and differential equations, as well as have engineering principles such as software engineering.Financial engineering is normally employed in the securities and banking industries. Mutual Funds and Share broking agencies deploy lot of the state of the art Financial Engineering tools and softwares to handle client accounts and carry out client instructions.Financial Engineering is a fast growing arm of financial economics and is playing a stellar role in bringing discipline and safety to the high-risk profile Securities trade and business. It is interesting to note that Financial Engineering professionals today earn some of the highest pay checks in the industry thanks to their specialized skills and much-needed expertise.It is to be born in mind that the arrival of this new exciting branch of engineering has already helped and is set to help many sectors in a big way. Besides bringing in the factors of security and stability to the shaky financial empire, this branch can really enable the tracking and storing of valuable financial data without the risk of being stolen or hacked.

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How to Prolong Your Car Engine’s Life

The engine is one of the most important components of your car and this should be maintained regularly. This is because the engine performs the basic function of providing power for the car and allows it to run or move from one place to another. Due to this, there is a great need for both expensive and cheap new car owners to make sure that the engines of their vehicles are in good shape. It is therefore important for car owners to determine and understand some of the basic tips in preserving the life of their cars’ engines. In case you want to extend the life of your vehicle’s engine and you are to sell the car after your auto financing obligations are settled, try to do some of things below.1. Practice regular change oilThe car’s engine oil serves as the vehicle’s blood. Given this, you need to make sure that the oil inside the engine is clean as well as capable of lubricating and cooling the internal components found inside.  Due to this, it is advisable that you change oil regularly.All you need to do is take your vehicle to the nearest car service center for an oil change. However, you can also change your vehicle’s oil by yourself.  All you need to do is look for useful car advice online regarding this particular car maintenance task. Changing the car engine’s oil on your own could save you from incurring extra expenses.2. Drive carefullyYou also need to drive your car carefully so as to extend the life of its engine. Try to avoid jackrabbit starts and sudden brakes for this would create strains as well as possible damages on the engine. Inappropriate driving practices could also create wild RPM fluctuations and generate heat that is harmful. Try to drive your car like a gentleman at moderate speeds.3. Have your car engine regularly tuned-upAside from driving carefully and changing the car’s oil regularly, you need to have your vehicle regularly tuned-up. This will ensure that the engine runs smoothly. For better results, it is advisable that you take your car to a professional mechanic for servicing since the mechanic is trained to do the appropriate procedures to tune the car up. But if you want to save money and do the tune-up by yourself, all you need to do is to conduct the needed research on how to do the procedures.

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Social Engineering Fraud: Is Your Business Insured Against Spear Phishers With Good Aim?

What is Social Engineering Fraud? You may not think you know, but you do. In fact, you’ve already been targeted repeatedly and recently, probably even today. Social Engineering Fraud is a leading cause of data breaches and has resulted in billions of dollars being stolen. So, what exactly is it?According to Interpol, that’s right, Interpol, Social Engineering Fraud is a type of scam that tricks, deceives or manipulates victims to initiate money transfers or reveal confidential and personal information that can then be used for illicit purposes. It relies on human-to-human interaction, not guns or hackers, to perpetrate a crime.Phishing is the most common form of Social Engineering Fraud. Phishers send unsolicited emails that look like legitimate requests for payment or information. The same technique can be executed by phone (“Vishing”) or text message (“SMishing”). Phishers often impersonate real companies by using actual logos and similar (“spoofed”) email addresses. Their emails typically include a call to action.Statistics indicate that phishing rates have been in decline over the past few years. Rates of spear phishing, however, are going up. Unlike the wide net cast by phishers, spear phishers target specific individuals within an organization, particularly those with access to finances or sensitive information.For example, spear phishers posing as the CEO of an Austrian aerospace company used a Business Email Compromise attack to convince an employee to transfer nearly $50 million to an account for a fake acquisition project. (Spear phishing is also known as whaling or CEO fraud.) Spear phishing emails were also used to get the password to a Gmail account used by Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.Despite its many forms, Social Engineering Fraud generally incorporates the following distinctive elements:

Identifying Targets. Criminals often use open source intelligence, social media and corporate websites to profile potential targets, develop an accurate picture of the organization and identify key executives and finance team members.

Grooming Relationships. Contact is made with targeted individuals using emails that incorporate publicly available information and social media profiles so that they are more likely to be read and viewed as authentic. This process may last days, weeks or months.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities. Once targets are convinced that they are dealing with an authorized individual about a legitimate business transaction, they are asked to perform a routine or otherwise legitimate function. For example, they may be given wiring instructions or formal-looking requests for documents or information.

Executing the Fraud. Unwittingly wired funds are immediately transferred to another account. Sensitive information that was divulged is immediately used to perpetrate additional crimes, typically identity theft.

Social Engineering Fraud poses a serious risk to every business, particularly small and medium-sized businesses, which are targeted the most. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, spear phishing scams continue to grow, evolve and target businesses of all sizes. Since January 2015, there has been a 1,300 percent increase in identified losses, totaling over $3 billion.Many businesses mistakenly believe that losses attributed to Social Engineering Fraud will be covered under their standard business insurance policies. Unfortunately, this error is oftentimes not revealed until it’s too late. Standard business insurance policies have a number of coverage gaps when it comes to losses of this kind.Standard commercial general liability and property insurance policies aren’t designed to protect against Social Engineering Fraud, so the lack of coverage should be somewhat expected. What’s typically not expected, however, are coverage gaps in policies that appear otherwise well-suited to protect against these losses.For example, even though Social Engineering Fraud typically takes place online, it doesn’t necessarily involve hacking or compromising computer systems. So, depending on the circumstances, coverage may be denied under a standard cyber liability insurance policy. And, since victims ultimately send money knowingly and voluntarily, coverage may also be denied under a standard crime or fidelity policy.Social Engineering Fraud Endorsements are available to fill these coverage gaps. They are specifically designed to cover the unique risks presented by Social Engineering Fraud, including:

vendor or supplier impersonation;

executive impersonation; and

client impersonation.

Social Engineering Fraud losses can be devastating. Every business needs to review its insurance policies to identify and address any actual or potential coverage gaps. Unfortunately, when it comes to Social Engineering Fraud, implementing safeguards, maintaining awareness and educating employees isn’t always enough.

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